Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to already know how to fence to join?
Not at all!
We have members ranging from no experience to those that fence competitively. All are welcome!
How do I join?
Come to one of our practices! Speak to any exec and they will direct you to our treasurer, who will help you sign up and collect fees. The first class is free, no harm in trying it out.
Everyone MUST sign an electronic safety liability waiver. If you are under 19 years of age, a parent guardian must sign as well. It can be signed in person at your first practice, or you can message us to fill it out before you arrive. We DO NOT have paper copies.
How old do I have to be?
We do not accept anyone under 13 years of age at all. We also do not accept people under 16 years of age with no experience, as we are not well suited to training younger people. This generally due to size and strength difference, and do not want to risk injuring younger people.
If you have experience fencing, and are between ages 13 and 16, you are still welcome to come.
Where and when are practices?
We have fencing lessons/practices on Monday/Thursday evenings, and Sunday afternoons in the Nest at UBC. Please check our schedule before coming out, as sometimes practices are cancelled.
Why is the schedule not updated?
If the schedule is not updated for the next two weeks or next month, it is likely because we are still waiting to receive room bookings. We will update as soon as we can on this website, our Facebook, and our Instagram.
Do I need to stay for the entire practice?
Practices are in rooms booked for 3 or 4 hours.
The first hour to hour and a half is for warmup and footwork/ bladework drills. The remainder is for free-fencing with other members.
It is highly recommended that beginners come for drills and are welcome to say as long as they want for free-fencing.
Do I need to have/bring my own fencing gear to join?
We supply our members with everything needed to fence safely- masks, weapons, gloves, and fencing jackets.
We also have electric fencing equipment for foil, épée, and sabre, if you do not have your own. However, a couple months of fencing experience is recommended prior to using the electric fencing equipment.
Then can I rent gear?
We currently do not do long term gear rentals. However, borrowing gear each session is free!
We also loan gear for competition on a case by case basis.
What should I wear to practice?
For club members who do not have their own fencing uniform, we recommend that you wear:
Comfortable pair of sweats, track pants, or yoga pants.
Running shoes or indoor court shoes (e.g. tennis, volleyball, basketball court shoes, etc).
Long hair should be tied back.
Do I have to be a UBC student to join?
Not at all, anyone is welcome to join.
I have some fencing experience. What if I don't need any fencing instruction but rather, just want to fence? Can I JUST pay for the membership fee?
We require all members (with exception of drop-in members) to pay session AND membership fees.
Session fees cover fencing instruction from our coach (if you need it), equipment damages/ wear-and-tear, and room space.